We welcome you to join us in worship this Sunday!
Morning Worship: 10:00AM Afternoon Worship: 12:00PM
Babysitting is available for both services.
Guests and members are invited to stay for coffee each week after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Our worship is a two-way conversation with God. The following is a brief explanation of the elements of our normal, regular worship services:
Moment of Silent Prayer
A time to privately prepare our hearts and minds for worship.
Call to Worship
Our Triune God calls us with His word to worship Him with reverence and awe, and to receive the good gifts which He provides for our souls.
A Latin term meaning vow or prayer. We confess our trust in God and express our total dependence on Him for everything.
God's Greeting
God pronounces from His word, His grace and peace to all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
Opening Hymn
A song of praise in response to God’s greeting.
Reading of the Law (AM Service)
The Ten Commandments remind us of how imperfect we are, point us to Jesus Christ who kept the law perfectly on our behalf, and teach us how to live holy lives pleasing to God.
Hymn of Confession (AM Service)
In response to hearing God’s law, we confess our sins in song.
Assurance of Pardon (AM Service)
The reading of a Bible passage where God assures us that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us our sins.
Confession of Faith (PM service)
We corporately confess our Christian faith by reciting together one of the Ecumenical Creeds, declaring that we stand united with the true church of all ages in the truth God has revealed: “one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all…” (Eph. 4: 5-6).
Hymn of Response (PM Service)
A song in response to our confession of faith.
Congregational Prayer
The Pastor prays for and on behalf of the congregation.
Hymn of Preparation
A song based on the scripture(s) to be read, in preparation for receiving God’s message to us in the sermon.
Prayer for Illumination
We ask God for a blessing on the reading of His word and for our understanding of it.
Scripture Reading
One or more Bible passages on which the Pastor’s sermon is based.
Catechism Reading (PM Service)
One or more of the Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day Questions & Answers on which the Pastor’s sermon is based.
The Pastor proclaims the Gospel of Christ from the Bible, to nourish our souls with Him and instruct us on how to live lives of gratitude unto God.
Prayer of Application
The Pastor prays for the application of God’s word to and in our lives.
Hymn of Application
A song in response to the word preached.
We cheerfully give back to God from what He has given us, trusting that He will always supply all our needs.
A song of praise to God as we end the worship service.
God pronounces from His word, His blessing on the congregation as we depart.